The past few weeks have obviously been unprecedented. On March 8, we had our regular monthly swim. On March 13, the organizers of CNR made the decision to “proactively” cancel the April swim, prior to gatherings of that nature being officially disallowed. It seemed like a monumental and difficult decision at the time. By March 15, schools had been closed. On March 17, bars and restaurants. And so it went.
The scope and severity of this virus is brutally obvious to all of us behind the scenes at CNR. The sacrifices around staying at home, maintaining physical distancing, and avoiding groups are necessary to protect all of us, especially those living/working in healthcare and long-term care systems.
The changes have impacted all of us in different ways. Some of us are no longer working. Some are working from home, contending with new challenges and unfamiliar technology. Some are working in the same roles, with a thousand added pressures and complications.
Many of us have been working through the stages of grief, processing and adapting to the “new normal”. Throughout this period, we have consciously avoided posting out of respect for the severity and magnitude of the situation. It felt gratuitous to be thinking about nude recreation in a time like this. Further, there was the practical aspect. How could one even practice social nudity in an era of physical distancing?
Over time, we’ve started to feel better. The rules have been more or less consistent. The sun has come back and the temperature has risen. It hasn’t snowed since April 18! We’ve learned to make bread or get through a home workout or grown familiar with the new format of late-night TV.
We are ready to start posting again.
We know that everyone is in a different place in this journey. To those still grieving, that’s okay. To those who haven’t experienced any change, that’s okay too. If you are not ready to think about the prospect of social nudity, we completely understand and respect that. If you are actively sad that our May and June events won’t be happening either, we understand. All we want you to know is that we understand the context. We know this is an unprecedented time. We know people are suffering. We know coronavirus is serious.
We are ready to start posting again.
We don’t know what the future holds, but we do know that we are committed to acting responsibly. We are not ready to give up on contextually-appropriate social nudity or nude recreation. We know the personal benefits are well documented and when all of this is over, we’re going to be craving all the sunshine and fresh air we can get.
Thank you for sticking with us. We are ready to start posting again.